Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Pranav Cards In Madurai

Pranav Cards In Madurai

Pranav Cards is a leading online traditional wedding cards designing and printing company. They cater to all kinds of wedding cards and wedding symbols.They have the most exquisite wedding cards designs for all kinds of religious wedding ceremonies.

நல்ல முகூர்த்தம்-விதிமுறை 5

நல்ல முகூர்த்தம்-விதிமுறை 5

இல்லற வாழ்க்கை சுபமாய் அமைய நல்ல முகூர்த்தத்தை தேர்ந்தெடுக்க வேண்டும். அதற்கான சில விதிமுறைகளும் உள்ளன.

விதிமுறை 5

சுப திதிகளான துவிதியை,திரிதியை,பஞ்சமி,சப்தமி,தசமி,திரயோதசி ஆகிய திதிகளில் திருமணம் இடம் பெற வேண்டும்.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

நல்ல முகூர்த்தம்!

நல்ல முகூர்த்தம்!

நல்ல முகூர்த்தம்!

இல்லற வாழ்க்கை சுபமாய் அமைய நல்ல முகூர்த்தத்தை தேர்ந்தெடுக்க வேண்டும்.அதற்கான சில விதிமுறைகளும் உள்ளன.

விதிமுறை - 4

ரிஷபம், மிதுனம், கடகம், சிம்மம், கன்னி, துலாம், தனுசு, மீனம் ஆகிய சுப இலக்கினங்களே திருமணத்திற்கு உகந்த இலக்கினங்களாகும்.

நல்ல முகூர்த்தம்!

நல்ல முகூர்த்தம்!

இல்லற வாழ்க்கை சுபமாய் அமைய நல்ல முகூர்த்தத்தை தேர்ந்தெடுக்க வேண்டும். அதற்கான சில விதிமுறைகளும் உள்ளன.

விதிமுறை 2

இருகண்ணுள்ள கிழமைகளான புதன், வியாழன், வெள்ளி ஆகியவையே திருமணத்திற்கு உகந்த கிழமைகள் ஆகும்.வளர்பிறையில்தான் திருமணம் நடைபெற வேண்டும்.

நல்ல முகூர்த்தம்!

நல்ல முகூர்த்தம்!

இல்லற வாழ்க்கை சுபமாய் அமைய நல்ல முகூர்த்தத்தை தேர்ந்தெடுக்க வேண்டும். அதற்கான சில விதிமுறைகளும் உள்ளன.


சித்திரை,வைகாசி,ஆனி,ஆவணி,தை,பங்குனி ஆகிய மாதங்களே திருமணத்திற்கு யோகமான மாதங்களாகும்.
உங்கள் திருமண வைபவங்களுக்கு தேவையான திருமண அழைப்பிதழ்கள் வாங்க பிரனவ் கார்ட்ஸ் வாங்க...!

Buy Hindu Wedding Cards Online

Buy Hindu Wedding Cards Online

உங்கள் திருமண வைபவங்களுக்கு தேவையான திருமண அழைப்பிதழ்கள் வாங்க பிரனவ் கார்ட்ஸ் வாங்க...!


காதலனைக் கைபிடிக்க வேண்டுமா

காதலனைக் கைபிடிக்க வேண்டுமா

கும்பகோணம் -தஞ்சாவூர் மார்க்கத்தில் சுந்தரப்பெருமாள் கோயிலுக்கு அருகில் உள்ள ஊர் திருநல்லூர்.கட்டுமலையின் மீது கோயில் இருக்கிறது. சுந்தரக்கிரி என்று அதை சொல்வார்கள்.நிறம் மாறும் சிவலிங்கத் திருமேனி அமைந்துள்ள கோயில் இது.

ஆதிசேஷனின் மகள் சுமதி.அவள் தனக்கு மனத்துக்கு இனிய கணவன் அமைய வேண்டும் என்று தினந்தோறும் நல்லூர்நாதனை வழிபட்டாள். அந்தக் காலக்கட்டத்தில் சோழநாட்டு இளவரசன் ஹரிதுவஜன் என்பவன் இறைவனை தரிசிக்க வந்தான்.சுமதியை பார்த்தான்.இருவரும் மனதால் இணைந்தனர். காதலாயினர். கைத்தலம் பற்றினர் என்கிறது புராணம். மனத்துக்கு இனியவரைக் கரம் பிடிக்க அருளும் கடவுள் நல்லூர்நாதர். எனவே மனதிற்கு பிடித்தவரை கைபிடிக்க நினைப்பவர்கள் இக்கோயுலுக்குச் சென்று வழிப்பட்டால் நினைத்தது நடக்கும்.

Pranav Cards In Madurai

Friday, 21 July 2017

Hindu Wedding Cards - What Makes Them Special?

Hindu Wedding Cards - What Makes Them Special? 


If you've never been to a Hindu wedding before, you're about to witness a magnificent treat of sorts. A Hindu wedding, you see, is not just the coming together of two human beings. It is the amalgamation of two families, along with their friends and well wishers. Since the guests are all determined to become one big family by the end of the ceremonies, the festivities are unrestrained and wholehearted.

The Hindu wedding is a grand affair which typically starts with the printing of Best Wedding Cards Online. In fact, the wedding card or the 'Patrika' is both a means of informing guests of the good news as well as a way of sending out warm solicitation of the guest's presence at the wedding. It must be remembered that according to the Hindu way of life, guests are given utmost respect and no effort is spared to honor and respect the guest. This sentiment is reflected in every step of the wedding - beginning with the wedding cards.

Given the above bit of background, it is easy to see how Hindu wedding cards are different and why. Some of their unique characteristics are:

1)Generally, the invite is a double sided, two-page work of art where the words are couched in beautiful designs and patterns. wedding cards are colorful but Hindu wedding cards are more so.

2)Typically, most Hindu wedding cards make use of religious motifs like lamps, folded hands and so on.

3)The colors used in the cards are magnificent and luxurious. These colors are significant as they denote plenty, fertility and happiness. That is why tones of red, gold and green are used in Hindu wedding cards.

4)Generally, Hindu wedding cards are embellished with fake stones, pearls, golden threads, tassels and the like.

5)Since the wedding is steeped in culture and tradition, sometimes, cards may be designed like a leaf or a scroll and so on. Traditional designs are quite commonly seen.

6)Typically Hindus are deeply religious and the wedding is an event with religious overtones. Therefore, the wedding card generally carries the picture of a deity. In many cases, this is the picture of Lord Ganesha, the God of good fortune. Some families have a family deity who graces the card. This is to invoke the blessings of the higher powers.

Select Best Wedding Cards Online from Pranav Cards, It will show you traditional if you will use religious icons in the wedding Card. Generally, Hindu Wedding Card consists feature icons of Hindu gods/goddesses like Shiva, Parvati, Laxmi and ganesha. You must select such a wedding card that has religious icons on invitation card. According to the latest trend scroll invitation cards are most popular among youth this time. Many couple wants scroll wedding invitations to impress their guests by sending antique and creative card. Gold plated cases, paper scroll and invitation card boxes are much popular. Apart from design and religious icons color of an invitation card and it's printing is very important. Several colors you will see, but an eye-catching color must be selected that will drop your positive Impression on your invitees. Buy Wedding Cards Online from Pranav Cards, It is a great idea to choose a design that goes well with your budget and wedding theme.

What's Special About Hindu Wedding Cards?

What's Special About Hindu Wedding Cards? 


Hindu wedding cards are available in a wide variety of designs, colors and styles, making it difficult for buyers to choose one out of the lot. Thanks to Pranav Cards, finding wedding Cards has become easier than ever before. However, buyers need to pay attention to certain factors when Buy Hindu Wedding Cards Online. Read this article to know some useful tips on how you should choose Hindu wedding cards.

With the advent of the World Wide Web, one would think that the age of hand delivered wedding invitations is well and truly over. Surprisingly though, more and more people around the world are impressed by the warmth and beauty of beautifully designed wedding invitation cards. When it comes to the most magnificently designed wedding cards, Hindu wedding cards undoubtedly figure at the top of the list.

Hindu wedding cards are of different kinds. Local and regional differences are quite pronounced. That said, one will notice that Hindu wedding cards are characterized by stunning looks. Some of the aspects of these designs include:

Exquisite designs: Most cards carry characteristic designs from traditional art that was commonly seen in old palaces. Some of these designs are even seen on Indian sarees, the customary dress of Hindu women. Patterns could include designs of leaves, peacocks or peacock feathers, to name a few examples.

Intricate work: Typically, intricate detailing is seen on these cards, making the designs on the card a superior blend of artistic beauty as well as style. These days, letterpress wedding cards are quite the rage. This style suits Hindu wedding cards because of the intricate designs and detailing inherent in it.

Decorations: wedding cards in general and Hindu cards in particular look very rich. In some cases, intricate designs are combined with rich colors to produce this effect. But in most cases, wedding cards may be studded with decorations materials like Kundan stones, mirror work, peacock feathers and so on.

Color combinations: Typically, Hindu wedding cards are very colorful. In fact, it is common to see certain combinations appearing and re-appearing in these invites. For instance, red, gold, cream, turmeric yellow and saffron are recurring colors as they indicate plenty and happiness. That said, the latest designs also combine white with red or green to produce breathtaking designs. 

The most alluring feature of Hindu wedding cards is the fact that they are highly traditional, in looks as well as designs. In fact, the older the designs, the more attractive they are as old designs bring with them the antiquated look which is very much in demand. 

Typically, Hindu wedding cards may contain the picture of a deity. It could also carry verses of the Hindu scriptures. Both of these are meant to invoke blessings for the bride and groom, as Hindu marriages are highly religious ceremonies. If you are planning to Buy Hindu Wedding Cards Online, visit Pranav Cards. The online store is an exclusive dealer of latest wedding cards Collections. They provide Hindu wedding cards in a wide variety of designs, styles and texts. For More Information visit

Why Couple Should Select Impressive Wedding Card For Their Marriage?

Why Couple Should Select Impressive Wedding Card For Their Marriage?

Life has suspense at every step and meets with unknown people or strangers. We make several relations with those strangers and sometime they become part of our life and our family. To make this relation strong we organize festivals, events and marriages from time to time. Marriage is also bonding of new unknown members those belong from different family, different cities and having different ideas. But the relation of husband wife makes them closer and starts a new relationship. In this new relation both husbands and wives have to do many sacrifices for each other so we can say marriage gave them rebirth.

Every girl and boy have many dream about his/her wedding and they want to make it unique. Marriage is only single function that is celebrated on grand level because it happens once in everyone's life. To make this function unforgettable everything decided to be taken unique and shiny. However, it depends on your wedding budget that how much you can afford for antique wedding ceremony. We had many preparations in advance for marriage so that we can save our precious time. After fixing the date of marriage, we need to announce it properly so that our invitees may know about our wedding programs. For that purpose Get Latest Wedding Cards Design online from

You must use creativity during announcing wedding date to your invitees and you can do this by selecting latest wedding card. You can find huge range of designer invitation cards with latest trend. It doesn't matter that where you are living because is there. You only need to choose your design, they will provide you cards according to your choice and quantity. Online services made everything very simple and time saving. However, you must select such invitation card that is able to convey your message to your guests and have attractive look.

There may be several things or arrangements in your marriage, but invitation cards have very importance among all arrangements. The reason behind its importance is its first look to your guests. Generally invitation cards sent to guests before 2 or 3 months of marriage and by seeing your wedding invitation they will guess that how will be your marriage. So, these cards play major role to make your guests happy. Apart from this, your all guests and friend have excitement to know about your life partner name and his/her family.

Wedding invitation card also has importance for couple because they will be able to see their name together on it. So they have eagerness to see their combined name very soon. Some couple pick traditional and unique looking wedding invitation card while some couple pick simple wedding invitation card. If you are thinking about picking handmade cards, then it is fabulous idea you should Get Latest Wedding Cards Design. To make it Traditional you can draw holy symbol of your religion so it will give traditional look. This time scroll wedding invitations are in trend and you can make good impression of your invites by sending these cards. For latest collections of wedding cards visit

Attractively Fantastic Designs of Invitation Cards in Madurai

Attractively Fantastic Designs of Invitation Cards in Madurai 


Pranav Cards:

Veterans in the Indian wedding card market, Pranav cards is a leading provider of both traditional and more contemporary designs for wedding invitation cards in Madurai. Their highly trained staff of highly creative people will offer you personalized services and help you to design your perfect wedding invitation card. In our country has to offer, anyone will find what they are looking for catering to all the richness and diversity. Select your latest wedding cards from Wholesale Latest Wedding Cards Design Shop. 

Weddings are sacred ceremonies. Religious scriptures define these rituals as creation of bond between two people in the presence of gods. In Hindu wedding, the invitation has deep symbolic and religious importance. Apart from designs, styles and colors, the invite has images of gods, goddesses along with some mantras in Sanskrit. The modern generation is also trying to combine the western culture in the wedding invites to give it different look. Some of them are even printing cards in English language along with their own mother tongue. People want to invite friends from different classes and culture at their wedding, so the invitation has to be customized and perfect.

Latest wedding card designs show tremendous variety in the card making process. It is dominated by the symbols and patterns of Hindu culture but designers have given modern touch to it. Do not get confused or overwhelmed by the too many options available in the market today. The launch of online portal like has made it easier to take decision. One can choose various colors and patterns in same card design. This makes bride and groom involved in the card designing process without any trip to the publisher's workshop.

The wedding card is the representation of your thinking and what kind of wedding it is going to be. People with higher budget even opt for the expensive patterns such as scroll. The card gives clue to people about wedding style. The online web portals will give you option of sticking with traditional design or to go for the modern one. The traditional cards need embroidery design, golden lining and silk threads. Handmade papers, recycled paper and hand painted cards are getting popular with people as well. Customizations are unlimited. Just be clear about your budget in mind. You can keep track of your budget while you design the card.

Scroll wedding card is very popular among the rich class. It gives the feeling of royal invitation to the guests. Gold cases, paper scrolls and attractive invitation boxes are some unique customizations you can offer. The images of Ganesha and other gods are must on a Hindu wedding card. Such carefully designed wedding card will definitely leave an impression on the guests. Wedding is a once in lifetime moment, make sure everybody attends it by sending a great invite. Wholesale Latest Wedding Cards Design shop is the best choice for getting latest wedding card collections.

When Should We Send Out Our Wedding Invitations?

When Should We Send Out Our Wedding Invitations?


Ideally, invitations should go out eight weeks before the wedding -- this gives guests plenty of time to clear their schedules for the day and make travel arrangements if they are out-of-towners. Timely invitations also let you make the RSVP date earlier -- about three weeks before the wedding -- so you can get a final head count and start making a seating chart before the week-before-the-wedding crunch begins. At the very latest, guests should receive invitations six weeks in advance, and you should receive responses two weeks before the big day. Your wedding card is the first impression that your guests will have about your wedding. Buy Wedding Cards in Madurai, It's impact should last long in the guest's mind.

Different Types of Wedding Cards Only at Pranav Cards

There are many types of wedding cards you would send to a couple celebrating their big day. Wedding cards range from acceptance or with regret cards confirming your attendance to the wedding day or evening party, to the newlyweds wedding cards or on the day wedding cards, congratulations wedding cards, and thank you wedding cards. In addition the wedding couple may send save the date wedding cards to their guests before the wedding invitations confirming the final venue, date and time details of the wedding. The wedding couple may send may also send special thank you wedding cards to the wedding party and guests customised to specific relations such as parents, siblings, groomsmen, maids flower girls and page boys. Thank you wedding cards are special tokens to thank their guests and the wedding party for helping them celebrate their special day.

To some, wedding cards are more personal than expensive gifts as wedding cards adds the personal touch. The wedding cards design should be thoughtful, relevant and personal to the both the receiver and giver. The image on the front of the wedding cards shows how much effort has been made to pick out the perfect wedding cards therefore it is important to choose one that the wedding couple or wedding guest will enjoy. You can write as much or as little in the wedding cards expressing your sincere congratulations, joy and well wishes. If you are struggling to find the right words to write in the wedding cards, there are many examples of beautiful wedding cards wording available on However your personal message in the wedding cards should be fairly easily if the words come from the heart and your inner feelings. Some wedding cards are already printed with the perfect messaging. Buy Wedding Cards in Madurai at

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Hindu Wedding Invitations: Invite With Most Suitable Cards

Hindu Wedding Invitations: Invite With Most Suitable Cards

These days, many Indian parents are residing in a few other countries a long way away from their family and cherished ones. Therefore, at the time of accomplishing any marriage type event, they've two alternatives. Either they ought to go to their personal u . S . A . Or to carry out all of the procedure in the country they may be residing in. Though, arraigning the occasion in their very own u . S . Includes a number of benefits like having all their family and close human beings with them. Apart from that, there's the perfume of their mom land to add more little bit of spice inside the entertainment. Hindu faith fans decide upon extra returning to India for their marriages due to a superb quantity of traditions concerned in the marriage functions.. But marriage is not a unmarried day paintings and it entails a number of preparations.Making all of the arrangements and distributing Hindu wedding ceremony invitations cards is a number of them.Most of the folks looking for Wholesale Hindu Wedding Cards Online offerings this is one of the exceptional alternative for the peoples.

Distributing invitation cards is one of the maximum huge sports in the course of such occasions. In order to invite an increasing number of human beings, one has to distribute a huge range of wedding invitation cards to his household and pals. There are  ways of wearing out this manner. One is to ask all people by way of sending them the cards by using put up or mail, or to dealing with over those cards by means of journeying personally. Both of the tactics require some of preparations to be made nicely earlier. One has to make a listing of human beings to ask, accumulate their addresses, writing down the addresses at the Hindu wedding ceremony invites cards and so on. If the cards are to be mailed, one has to publish them with the best deal with. If the cards are to be exceeded over to the character itself, one has to make a very good quantity of journey to perform this. Hence, it is a long and time consuming technique therefore requires the attention quite before the day of marriage.

Choosing the most suitable wedding invitation card isn't an smooth task. Keeping the truth in thoughts there are big quantity of Hindu wedding ceremony invitations cards to be had inside the marketplace in every design and style, one has to select the most suitable one that is able to handing over the real enthusiasm in fine way. Unlike different occasion cards, those cards require drastically greater printing work consequently one may also want to pick out the text and message to print on them. Cost performs an critical function here due to the fact a big range of cards are required. Choosing the maximum suitable one without affecting the pocket is the key here. For the printing reason, you require not anything however the excellent. Make an amazing research of the market by using comparing the exceptional and expenses presented by means of special card printers so you can provide you with the most suitable one.

These cards also are an excellent imply of distributing the spiritual enthusiasm in the folks. Like in Hindu wedding ceremony invitations cards, the photo of Lord Ganesha is printed at the very top of the cardboard. According to the Hindu traditions, Lord Ganesha is the God of happiness and exact initiative. Therefore, they decide upon praying him before starting any holy work. Sikh wedding are well-known for the flamboyant style. Therefore, their wedding ceremony cards have one of a kind style and format than Hindu cards having Guru Granth Sahab revealed on it. Muslim cards are published with Mughal artwork on them. Thus, it is pretty sure the wedding invitation cards are usually taken into consideration as a medium of spreading religious religion amongst the people of various groups.All of those cards are very stylish in looking and able to spreading the appeal of such an event. Choosing the most appropriate one absolutely depends upon the selection of different humans and their price range range.

Pranav wedding card are the most critical part for commenced making plans for marriages. Our best collection of Designer & Traditional Hindu Wedding Invitations Cards represents vibrant, wondrous and shiny feelings of Hindu marriage occasion.Wholesale Hindu Wedding Cards Online sevices additionally to be had...

Elements Of Hindu Wedding Cards

Elements Of Hindu Wedding Cards

There are round 195 nations allover the sector and each united states, or even extra nicely every vicinity in individual us of a has its awesome manner of celebrating marriages. From social attitude, wedding is maximum inportant occasion in a person's life. Since various areas and religions have distinctive wedding ceremony traditions, it'd be completely unfair to cite a particular wedding ceremony style higher than others. But still in case you take involvement of rituals, society, love and holiness into account, Indian weddings are pretty pure and joyous.Buy Wedding Cards Online is new tendencies in todays world...

Hindus are majority in India and because the a long time of sages and kings, hindu weddings are greatly integrated with non secular rituals. This holy way of life of combining divine factors with social celebrations is likewise contemplated in Hindu wedding cards. Wedding cards, called "Nimantran Patrika" in Devnagari lipi (language), are first respectable annoncement of  souls and our bodies being knotted with each other for lifetime. And this is why marriage cards wordings and wedding ceremony symbols are too vital elements of wedding ceremony cards.

Years ago, Hindus used to write down in Sanskrit or Hindi language to compose wordings for inviting honourable guests due to the fact visitors are believed to be gods and Sanskrit is a divine language. But with exchange in time and fashion, now wedding cards also are presented in English and other nearby languages. Still, the wordings are speculated to be humble, heat and respectful to guests. So wedding card suppliers like additionally help customers with ideas for marriage cards wordings. Genuine, polite and welcoming phrases organized in grace can effortlessly leave an amazing influence of you as a number of rite.

Hindus trust in putting god constantly in advance in each social event. Every occasion begins with worship of god. And amongst all gods Lord Ganesha is worshipped as god of Shubh and Mangal this means that god of right things. Ganesha is continually worshipped on beggining of every occassion. And as wedding ceremony cards are first glance of an auspicious occasion, Hindus favor to include non secular symbols and symbols in their gods on wedding invites. In Hindu wedding ceremony cards you will always locate symbols of Lord Ganesha revealed either on cowl or among the wordings of wedding inviation. More especially what you spot on Hindu wedding cards is Vighneshvara shape of Lord Ganesha believed to guard in opposition to boundaries. Ganesha method 'Ish' Of 'Gana' means 'Lord' of 'Divine elements - Bhootha' and it's miles believed that no union of two souls is feasible without presence of divine elements. Having Ganesha symbols on Wedding invites adds a faith that Lord Ganesha will make this occassion a success and hurdle free.

Other Hindu Wedding symbols encompass non secular symbols like Swastik, Shankha, Omkar and so on. Some humans additionally choose to consist of symbols of gods they agree with in personally. Swastik is Sanskrit word which means an auspicious object. It is symbol of correct success and it is believed to invoke the holy electricity within the universe. additionally gives a huge variety of religious Hindu Wedding Symbols to pick from.

Along with wedding symbols and wordings, print fabric and colour are also essential elements of wedding cards. Bright illuminous colours like Orange, Red, Green, Purple and many others combined with shining and embossed patterns give a rich and compelling appearance for your wedding ceremony cards . Invitation card fabric can be paper, material, wood or plastic. But a proper combination of colours and material will give it a graceful and compelling seems. So it's far recommended to Buy Wedding Cards Online from widely known providers like http://pranavcards.Com/ who offer outstanding quality and beautiful designs together with professional assistance.

Do you want particular Hindu wedding Ceremony Card?

Do you want particular Hindu wedding Ceremony Card?

Probably you could attend many marriage capabilities and parties of your friends and household. Whenever we heard approximately engagement and marriage of a person, then we have very eagerness to see invitation cards. After receiving marriage notification, from our relatives and buddies we first of all see its outer look and its decoration as it appeals us. In 2d step we appearance to marriage calendar and different software's time table.Absolutely we obtain invitation cards from such buddies too that belong from specific religion. If you are Hindu, then you may be familiar with Hindu subculture and extraordinary kinds of Hindu traditions.If you aren't belongs from Hindu faith, you then have to attend a Hindu wedding because it has many traditions and colours. Marriage is a very critical characteristic for all of us as it brings closeness between two people and two families.Most us ordering their religion primarily based Hindu Wedding Cards Online because they get more and more new series from on-line shops.

Social activities and capabilities make stable our relationship and bonding with our guests and meet-collectively person. Marriage isn't a proper function with a purpose to closing in someday or day it has long series of rituals and distinct forms of rite that we never heard earlier than. Through those social activities and activities we come to understand about unique culture and rituals. We also get a danger to satisfy with our spouse and children and make new family members with them. So, marriages are medium of creating new relationship and make sturdy antique relations.

Announcements are high things that are vital for us to inform our visitors. There may be various medium for pronouncing unique message and all relies upon upon closeness with invitees. Sometimes we favor to make a call or e-mail to our closest guests and buddies approximately having any wedding ceremony celebration. However, we cannot specific the whole lot on telephone or email so we want wedding invitation cards. These cards have to be our first high on every occasion we're going to make an assertion. We can convey our right message handiest by means of sending invitation cards to our pricey guests and different relatives. The Hindu wedding is a top notch concern which typically starts offevolved with the printing of Hindu wedding cards.

Generally, it is taken into consideration via Hindu humans that every appropriate work should begin with blessing of god. Invitation cards additionally despatched first to ganesh ji bhagwan due to the fact he's king of wealth and money. Basically, the invitation card or the lagan patrika are each a way of informing guests of the coolest information and way of sending our heat solicitation of the guest's presence at the marriage. With these cards we make a request to our guests to enroll in us at the occasion of wedding and supply blessings to new couple. According to Indian lifestyle it's miles pronouncing that guests are form of god so that they ought to maintain on higher priority.

Selection of Hindu Wedding Cards is not so smooth due to the fact we have to look toward many feature of card. Several varieties of designer cards are to be had within the marketplace these days that have fantastic appearance and catch our interest. Traditional cards characteristic embroidery works and stone work. You can personalize your invitation card by using hand-painted drawing in these cards and might enhance it through the usage of a few herbal stone, jewellery stone, flowers and different colours of ribbon. It is a pleasing idea to pick out a layout that is going well with your budget and wedding topic.

It will display you traditional if you'll use religious icons within the marriage card. Generally, Hindu Wedding Card consists characteristic icons of Hindu gods/goddesses like Shiva, Parvati, Laxmi and ganesh ji. You need to select such a wedding card that has spiritual icons on invitation card. According to the modern day fashion scroll invitation cards are most popular amongst kids this time. Many couple desires scroll wedding invites to electrify their visitors by way of sending antique and creative card. Gold plated instances, paper scroll and invitation card bins are a good deal famous. Apart from design and non secular icons shade of an invite card and it is printing is very important. Several colorations you will see, however an attention grabbing coloration should be decided on as a way to drop your tremendous Impression to your invitees. It is pronouncing that black colour is image of darkness and negative electricity so it by no means need to use for suitable paintings so that you should keep away from this color.

Hindu Wedding Cards Online

Purchase Hindu Wedding Cards and Fall In Love With Hindu Marriage

Purchase Hindu Wedding Cards and Fall In Love With Hindu Marriage

Marriage method many things to many humans. It is the union of two hearts which might be intended to be collectively. This is the simple fact. It is the dad and mom' source of delight, a romantic journey for the bride and the groom and a welcoming incident to satisfy the lengthy listing of by no means- heard - of loved ones for the sibs.

Before the marriage date, we generally tend to turn out to be pressured and absolutely drained out with all of the arrangements and last minute endeavors. But the joy inner and a prolonged smile dawns over at the very day of the wedding; all way to the in numerous those who display as much as greet and bless the newlywed couple.

The happiness of their faces suggests that they had been invited with definite love and recognize. This is carried out among the Hindu groups for the duration of the country while the Hindu Wedding Cards have been used for the inviting motive.

The Hindu Wedding cards are virtually certainly one of a kind

The cards are designed with such great care and immaculate designs to cause them to pleasant and particular just like the weddings they're going for use for. The photos of the Hindu God of love, cards interior begin with a revered saying and the cordiality with which they ask for the visitors' presence aren't the matters to be neglected.Buy Hindu Wedding Cards Online is one of the best option.

Some of them are with home made leaves, self- designs and with one of a kind fonts for the bride and the groom's name. The importance the Hindus give to family and history is properly understood by using the card makers who by no means forget to include extra room for the loved ones name and other factors.

The cards are available with extra designs to select from and long arrays of particular blueprints with greater- materials like graded snap shots, glittering brooches and elite floral styles to make this once in a life-time glad occasion a memorable one.

With the covers elegantly dressed through the utter bliss and the acute delight in inviting the visitors, they reflect the thoughts of the family individuals who're eagerly ready to get hold of the elders and the expensive ones.

Such cards aren't difficult to buy particularly when the entirety of Hindu Marriage Invitations of various style are to be had online with very simple procedures of price and shipping. The simplest aspect it truly is going to be hard for the could-be husband and wife is which card to order from the splendid options displayed on display.

Buy Hindu Wedding Cards Online

Wedding Invitation Cards India : Perfectly Portraying The Theme Of Your Wedding!

Wedding Invitation Cards India : Perfectly Portraying The Theme Of Your Wedding!

Cheap Hindu Wedding Cards Online

Wedding are an important event, would not rely whether you are the one getting married or not, even supposing it's your brother, sister, cousins, remote household getting married being part of the wedding its festivities is super a laugh.

Before the actual wedding ceremonies take region, planning the marriage in itself is a lot a laugh. Talking approximately planning one of the crucial matters to determine at the earliest is the marriage invites. They are flawlessly appropriate for all varieties of weddings.

Wedding Invitation Cards India Perfectly Blend The Traditions With Style

The perfectly depict the traditional features and the authenticity of the tradition through them. The effortlessly blend the vintage and the brand new by means of blending the traditional customs with the present day styles.

The Indian wedding ceremony enterprise is a large market, for that reason to fulfill the needs of the customers it's been crucial for the marriage card sellers to live up to date and provide you with several new variations of Wedding invitation.

Some of the famous variations of Wedding Invitation Cards India consist of, musical wedding cards, themed wedding ceremony cards uniquely shaped wedding cards, wedding ceremony cards with special 3D monograms etc.

Among the city populace the musical and the themed wedding ceremony cards are pretty famous. The musical wedding ceremony invitations are a very good choice to make your wedding ceremony invitation unique. Since they're something one-of-a-kind from the everyday invitation cards they intrigue and marvel the visitors.

Upon commencing the musical invitations, the guests listen a tune that is played via it. The bridal couple can choose anything from Bollywood track to romantic tunes or maybe non secular hymns.

Whereas on the other hand themed wedding invitations are designed retaining the theme of the marriage in thoughts, though having a subject matter based totally wedding is a famous factor is the west, it's miles regularly catching up in India and for that reason many couples are opting for them.

In order to make the themed wedding ceremony successful one vital step is to select the right wedding ceremony invitation card which matches the topic of the marriage flawlessly. Thus unique attention have to be given at the same time as selecting a marriage invitation for a themed wedding.

Though the alternative versions aren't so famous there are a number of human beings of choosing having a specialised 3D monogram on the marriage cards. Many times humans prefer to have a 3-d monogram symbolizing their religion along with a 3-d monogram of their religious deity or a spiritual symbol. People all decide upon of the initials or the family call of the bride and the groom monogrammed on the cards.

With on-line shopping it's miles very easy to purchase Cheap Hindu Wedding Cards Online. There are numerous sellers who've several samples of Wedding invitations of numerous sorts at affordable prices.

What Every Modern Wedding Invitation Should Have

What Every Modern Wedding Invitation Should Have

A wedding is one of the most prestigious degrees in a person's life tale. It indicates a leap from the single undisturbed lifestyles to that of a lifestyles with the intention to be doing a super deal of self-denial at a few type, with a higher half of and mainly, with the youngsters. It separates the road among normally self-centered to thinking extra of others. It signals the kickoff of a new-sprung beginning for each husband and wife. For maximum fits who embark into matrimony, there is an limitless array of opportunities that ask the union of each souls to take chances for. A lot of factors give up and start in a wedding ceremony, therefore the event merits to no longer best be idea lower back, however to be cherished to the highest degree.

It is already conventional to put together for any nuptial ceremony. A lot of people may also favor to set aside a huge finances for an extended period of several months and years just to arrange very well for a few-hour ceremony that might alternate their lives forever. From the pre-wedding preparations, going to the honeymoon, each marriage is supposed to take delivery of time for. And this will really deliver along with it the wedding invites.

There are 4 cardinal components in a wedding invitation. What makes Cheap Latest Wedding Cards Design specific from the conventional ones depends on those 3 number one elements. Let's strive to differentiate and examine:

Design - the closing difference:

The average tone of a wedding invitation relies upon on the layout, functioning as its blueprint. Traditional wedding invitations are the regular cards with defined borderlines, normally taking up the primary patterns; famous wedding ceremony invites can be in any figure the couple likes - designed like a tree, a nicely, a bag, a tea bag, a pair of slippers, and extra. Orthodox wedding ceremony invitations do not by and large provide quite a few interest to the delimitations; those invitations make themselves atypical via elaborations and add-ons. Modern wedding invites think about every point, which constructs it to a extra volume casual instead of traditional, however to a greater extent extraordinary!

Color - provides the flavor:

While nearly conventional wedding invitations run pastels with white, present day wedding invitations are more attention-seekers - they generally are available in obvious glosses. Vivid jewel tints are the common tints and colors now, and they come in plenty of tones. It is vital although to keep in mind that gambling with hues isn't wrong, just make a point you do now not overdo it at any cost. It is the danger that incorporates utilizing bold colorations. If you are thinking about going cutting-edge all the manner, ensure you consult with a "specialist" a bit whilst in advance before deciding on pretty much some thing.

Font - the voice within the card:

Orthodox wedding invites are intimate with the scripts and calligraphy - most of them use it all of the manner! On the alternative hand, era is developing more superior so we have a brilliant quantity of fonts equipped at our doorstep, fortunately. That is the predominant thing modern wedding invitations like to try out on. You can observe a potpourri of latest fonts, that with the intention to fit your needs and your future partner's personality. It isn't necessarily to be invariable - or stiff - approximately the scripts. You can explore for those new fonts at the internet or ask the supplier for examples.

Embellishment - including festivity to the invitation:

After coming up along with your wanted layout, colour, and fonts, you may wish to add gildings. Traditional wedding invites are commonly fancied with laces, and they're no longer awful either. Simplicity and minimalism do not exit of style. Most current wedding ceremony invites otherwise attempt to merge and fit pretty much something, inclusive of dried flower petals, beadworks, and the rest. You can too utilize laces; however make a point it matches into your whole subject matter.

Cheap Latest Wedding Cards Design

Useful Tips For You to Find Cheap Wedding Invitations

Useful Tips For You to Find Cheap Wedding Invitations

Due to the contemporary financial circumstance, maximum couples will need to shop cash on their wedding. As a result, you will likely need to recognize how you can reduce the prices of numerous objects related to your event. To this end, you may actually want to discover the ways to get Cheap Wedding Cards Online.

In truth, it is not tough so as to find reasonably-priced wedding invitations. However, you will need to do some researches earlier than you can sincerely get it. You need to search on diverse web sites and wedding forums with the intention to get them.

Remember, being reasonably-priced does no longer mean that the marriage invitations can be of low fine. It is definitely possible so as to discover something cheaper and fashionable. Yet, you may now not be able to accomplish that if you are not keen to spend the time on looking for them. There are a whole lot of companies which can provide elegant wedding ceremony cards at a noticeably lower rate.

Particularly, there are some wholesaler who will also need to do commercial enterprise with you. You can get your wedding invitations at a very reasonable price with those wholesalers. Yet, be sure to invite for samples earlier than you order. You want to ensure that the cards will be some thing you love.

One ultimate point is that, you must attempt to upload a few non-public touches to the marriage cards so that you could make them unique. You do now not want to spend a whole lot of cash so as to accomplish that. For instance, you can write the contents of the cardboard your self through your hand. This will sure make the cards more special. You also can save cash via doing so. This is because you do no longer want to invite the seller to print the wordings!

Remember, you have to attempt to get Cheap Wedding Cards Online, as early as viable so you can have sufficient time to ship them to your visitors!

Wedding Cards May Be Customs Online This Days

Wedding Cards May Be Customs Online This Days

Best Wedding Cards Online

Wedding invitations cards which is made creatively for someone's extraordinary nuptial ceremony which might be virtually dealt with as one of the most critical part during a system of wedding ceremony guidance sense greater indirect to appearing such as a superb intermediary to skip on all of the legitimate and vast statistics approximately the ideal wedding ceremony corridor and date of reception to all recipients who could be attending the very ceremony thankfully with lots of prayers.

Besides that, by and large humans all around the earth have an hobby which comes inherently for subtle matters so as to make out to be unique distinctly and of path specific glamour that's sort of impossible to resist, almost every new couples attempt to do the enterprise to make out a plan for an incomparable marriage banquet along with ideas of imaginitive wedding ceremony for you to in all likelihood to create candy and tangible reminiscences for all of the visitors and of course for themselves.

During that annoying system of preparation for the wedding, for the crystal pores and skin subtly facial treatment, descriptive alternatives of beautiful dresses of the wedding for a fabulous figure and consciously mastermind the issues for the wedding so that it pleasing the environment all can placed their complete revelry into a complete length play. In considering the alternative tough parts of serious instruction, grooms and brides must additionally be putting ingenious insight specifically into their wedding invites layout considering the fact that invites of bridal can't without a doubt galvanize the entire recipients profoundly at their first sight together with novel photographs and soaking up patterns however additionally showing off the newly wedded' distinguishing pastimes to a very super quantity.

Now in case of the marriage invitation cards you will now a days have  alternatives to go together with. Firstly they can really go to some printing keep and place the order for their cards along side some design and 2d you'll be able to do it from their residence itself via on-line. The second option is getting popular daily as because it saves a variety of time and in the sort of massive making plans of wedding ceremony time saving is a awesome issue for a successful ceremony.

There are many dressmaker card organizations at the moment are to be had in which you can put their order however enjoy is a key element for this aspect. Dream Wedding Invitation is this kind of design residence which manufactures the wedding cards as consistent with the designs given by way of the customers. Before going to any store and wasting a lot of time, one first need to test their website for their desire. They have a number of custom wedding cards layout available in their internet site from where without a doubt one like to order. The tag fee listed within the internet site additionally allows people to manage their finances and order as per the requirements. Simultaneously they can get their cut price additionally from the employer on various things like on the printing or o the cardboard itself. This on line invitation card selling agency is operating very successfully from a long time and it has been nearly ten years on this enterprise. So first rate operating is anticipated from them.

Best Wedding Cards Online

Find the Right Cheap Wedding Invitations Cards

Find the Right Cheap Wedding Invitations Cards

Best Wedding Cards Online

Wedding always going the proper toward arranging with competitive rate. Its changelessly concept to be a standout among the most essential activities in life; much consideration has regularly paid to it whilst you are arranging a wedding. Weddings changelessly take a large number in that they may be this type of massive variety of parts to be prepared, incorporating clothes, gems, amassing and invitations. To are trying to find after adorable appearance, coins used on wedding dresses and gem stones shouldn't be chopped down. That is the cause numerous spouses are racking their brains to discover techniques to spare cash on invitations.

Wedding in India is synonymous with outright show of one's abundance. The invitation wishes to consider this massive pressure of exactly reflecting the conspicuous intentions of the inviter. The invitation letter's high goal is to depart a everlasting effect at the mind of passerby. The proclamation of stylized customs is non-compulsory. Indian wedding ceremony invitations have became an unreasonable difficulty with time. Generally invites of well to do families are went with unmanageable endowments, for example wrist watches and so on. Numerous working class families endeavoring to imitate this pattern succumb to high fees and allow their plans to shoot. Be that as it may, the appearance of maximum reducing aspect printing innovations has carried pompous printing inside the compasses of white collar class. Numerous occasion coordinators have hopped into the scene. Their subject matter cards are savvy and inside the interim capture the innovative electricity of prospective visitors.

Its truth there are specific sort of people are current on cutting-edge planet so similarly a few excessive wealthy extravagance people can bear the fee of the high appraised wedding cards but some are honestly no longer. So for that you can essentially permit to choose the deliberate wedding ceremony cards from decided on catalogues which is available at uniquescrollcards.Com. Ordinarily speakme, looking for shoddy wedding invitations probable implies that you are on a good wedding plan. Cheap wedding invites are surely one of the nice and most effective methods to spare cash for a wedding so you can positioned the coins to some distinctive necessities. The pleasant place to look for reasonably-priced wedding ceremony invitations is at the net. The interminable net gives you chances to discover numerous kinds of shoddy invitations and you may in any case discover one of your maximum loved. Unlike a physical save, an internet based totally association lets in you to pay lower prices with merchandise at the identical qualities. It is potential to find out a literally the identical wedding invitation as what you noticed on the physical save prior. Also, they're plenty shabbier than the ones invitations at a true shop.

Looking for Best Wedding Cards Online by way of designed fashion designer? Then make sure that they have an excellent go back policy in case you are unsatisfied with the final product at high pleasant tailore.

Unique Decorations Used In Hindu Wedding Invitations

According to the historic Hindu religion, a marriage is meant to be an auspicious event, which wishes to be blessed with the aid of the divine powers, as well as by the elders of the own family and the society. Hence, the entire wedding ceremony is carefully arranged beneath the supervision of the skilled aged contributors of the households of the bride and the groom.Best Hindu Wedding Cards Online is first-class alternative and it's saves our time & money.

Different forms of decorations chosen for Hindu wedding ceremony invitations
Like all other aspects of the marriage, the Hindu wedding cards also are commonly selected through the senior participants of the family, who prefer the protection of the Hindu traditions and customs all the while. But now, a few modern-day designs also are blended with the conventional ones, to hold to the needs of the young generation.

Choosing the feel of the cards - Generally, the papers with metallic or silk finish are used for developing the wedding cards, for their glossiness. But expensive hand-crafted papers are chosen for their vintage seems and unique texture. Sometimes, the rich Hindus may additionally opt for satin or silk-made wedding ceremony cards in scroll paperwork, with the designs imprinted over them.

Special shapes or fashion of the marriage cards - The wedding ceremony cards may be created in unique shapes, like that of a conch or lotus, because of the attachment of these articles with Hindu religion. Some people may opt for scroll-kind wedding ceremony cards, like those used inside the royal traditions in advance. Some unique cards also are packed in well decorated containers, instead of envelopes, in particular in cases of the satin or silk-made ones.

Use of selective colorations - Mostly, the history colorings of the wedding cards are counseled with the aid of the families of the brides. But crimson color is universally utilized in all Hindu marriage invitations, either as the background coloration or a few of the designs of the card, as it's far believed to be a lucky coloration for the Hindu brides.

Introduction of religious motifs - As in keeping with Hindu religion, it is believed to be auspicious to start all work with the name of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed God. Thus, the photographs of Ganesha in diverse patterns are imprinted over the duvet page of most of the Hindu wedding ceremony invitations. The snap shots of a few wedding ceremony rituals are also favorites in lots of Hindu families. Some non secular motifs of the Hindus are regularly seen for use of their wedding ceremony cards.

Additional decorations - The wedding ceremony cards of the Hindus are often decked with tiny bindis, dry or artificial plants, little stones as the ones utilized in jewelries and satin ribbons, over the selected designs of the cards.

Best Hindu Wedding Cards Online